The Complete Homebrew Handbook

The Complete Homebrew Handbook. Available from WHSmiths, a big Sainsbury’s, places with lots of magazines…

So there hasn’t been much going on the blog lately, and here’s why…

That notorious Cwrwaft Wanker Craig Heap and I have written some features that have gone into this new one-shot magazine about homebrewing: The Complete Homebrew Handbook.

It costs £9.99, and for that you get a guide to starting homebrewing using kits, malt extract or full-mash, as well as information for intermediate and seasoned homebrewers. For example, there’s a piece about finding the right branding, and advice on how to go commercial.

The main reason it’s worth that price is the fantastic list of official recipes inside, for ace beers like Magic Rock Clown Juice, Odell Cutthroat Porter, Rooster Fort Smith, BBF Southville Hop, Tiny Rebel Hot Box and Moor Illusion. Seriously, there are some amazing recipes in there.

I didn’t write any of that really interesting stuff, though. I just wrote some features near the front about ingredients and what they determine in the finished beer. My bits are about malt and yeast, and also I did an interview with Chris at Warminster Maltings. Any unseen typos notwithstanding, I’m pretty chuffed.

The finished magazine is a very nice thing. More like a book really. The publisher insists on calling it a ‘bookazine’, but for those averse to newspeak, Big Magazine will do. You can buy it in WHSmiths, large supermarkets (Sainsbury’s definitely have it) and places that have lots of magazines. You can also order it online (and preview the contents) here.

Anyway, that’s one reason I haven’t blogged in a while. The other reason is this New Thing, which I will be promoting the absolute blummin’ heck out of in a few weeks time.

Back to the writing mines…


Author: Chris Hall

I'm a freelance writer and marketer. I also judge at global beer competitions including the World Beer Awards and the International Beer Challenge. I co-authored Future Publishing's Craft Beer series: '365 Best Beers in The World' volumes I & II, and 'Craft Beer: 100 Best Breweries in The World'. I've also contributed to Good Beer Hunting, Original Gravity and Pellicle. I also work full-time managing Marketing and Social Media for Howling Hops.

11 thoughts on “The Complete Homebrew Handbook”

  1. Fantastic stuff; I love seeing stuff from my favourite bloggers getting into print! Well done. Despite not homebrewing anymore I’ll be picking this up – and I await details of your next project eagerly!


    1. I’ve been looking for a copy of this all over the place, but no joy 😦
      Anyone know where I can pick one up or when the iPad/ Android version is out?


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